Enhancing burst activation and propagation in cultured neuronal networks by photo-stimulation
Spontaneous bursting activity in cultured neuronal networks is initiated by leader neurons, which constitute a small subset of first-to-fire neurons forming a sub-network that recruits follower neurons into the burst. While the existence and stability of leader neurons is well established, the influence of stimulation on the leader-follower dynamics is not sufficiently understood. By combining multi-electrode array recordings with whole field optical stimulation of cultured Channelrhodopsin-2 transduced hippocampal neurons, we show that fade-in photo-stimulation induces a significant shortening of intra-burst firing rate peak delay of fol-lower electrodes after offset of the stimulation compared to unperturbed spontaneous activity. Our study shows that optogenetic stimulation can be used to change the dynamical fine structure of self-organized network bursts.